One hundred guests gathered outside the Cornell Dairy Bar. They were led on a walk through the herb gardens where they received ice pops made from tea leaves. Each of these ice pops had engraved sticks that were numbered, revealing small hints as to what was in store for guests; star gazing, music release, fire spinning. We walked through the wild flower garden and were confronted by a deer. We eventually made it into the Cornell Plantations where we walked up a large hill. When we got to our summit, the long wooden table was revealed to the guests. We decended down into the plantations to be greated by geese, sparrows, and butterflies. It was as if mother nature had set a theatrical landscape just for this dinner. Cocktail hour commenced with horchata and cucumber basil mocktails along with truffled popcorn. Guests sat along a couch carved into a hill to puff on hookah. Eventually a loud gong rang, and the guests sat at the table for dinner. Dinner was served family style on ithaca blue and purple slate. As the sun set, fire spinners lit the night and danced with the guests.